My articles & thoughts
I write articles and share my thoughts about all kinds of things - mostly related to software development, devops and more.
What Are "Machine Code" & "Byte Code" Anyways?
You often hear (and maybe even say) it: Something compiles to "machine code". For example Go. Or Rust. But what does that actually mean? And what's the difference to "byte code"?
TypeScript in Go: Why Not Rust?
The TypeScript team shared that they're porting their compiler and type checker to Go. Not everyone's happy about the free performance gain, though. The question is: Why not Rust?
Vibe Coding Is NOT My Future
Vibe coding, a term coined by Andrej Karpathy, is all about letting LLMs generate code for you. I'm not convinced it's the future of coding, though.
Use AI Assistants With Care
AI is here to stay and it WILL likely replace developers. Developers who don't leverage its advantages. The same will happen to developers who rely too much on AI assistants, though.
Modern Node.js Can Do That?
Chances are high that you're using unnecessary third-party libraries. Stop wasting modern Node.js' potential!
Making Sense of tsconfig
The tsconfig.json file is a file most developers aren't touching. For a good reason! There are many options and settings with non-descriptive names and unclear effect. It doesn't have to be like that, though.